The Economist, May 17, 2008
Written by BlueFox on 5:21:00 AMBanks: Barbarians at the vault
Modern finance is under attack. Yet the banking system has done much better than it is given credit for.
Lebanon: Keep it together
Lebanon's problems reflect those of the wider region. They must be tackled all the same.
Georgia and Russia: Gather round the gorge
The outside world can help deter both Russian bullying and Georgian vote-rigging.
Disasters in China and Myanmar: No time to sit back
China has shown up Myanmar's generals. But it is not too late for outsiders to help the Burmese.
Zimbabwe's election: A huge risk that has to be taken
Africa's leaders should give Morgan Tsvangirai a chance to meet the people's wishes.
Travel and tourism: Asia, beware Benidorm
Booming tourism in emerging economies promises huge benefits. But not if it copies the mistakes of mature markets.
Special Report on International Banking
Banks are bound to fail from time to time. But, asks Andrew Palmer (interviewed here), does the fallout have to be so painful?
Finance in Asia: Pots and kettles
The credit crisis has cooled Asia's ardour towards Western banks. But the region stands to gain even more from opening up than Wall Street does.
The environment: Dead water
Too much nitrogen being washed into the sea is causing dead zones to spread alarmingly.
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