The Economist, May 24, 2008

Written by BlueFox on 5:09:00 AM

The world economy: Inflation's back
Double-digit price rises are about to afflict two-thirds of the world's population.

Afghanistan: How the "good war" could fail
America needs to lean much harder on Afghanistan's President Karzai.

Diplomacy: Speaking to the enemy
Sometimes it makes sense; sometimes it doesn't; sometimes not talking can be appeasement.

Computers and the environment: Buy our stuff, save the planet
The internet could become as ungreen as aviation. A self-serving solution beckons.

ASEAN, Indonesia and Myanmar: Forcing help on Myanmar
ASEAN needs to play a bigger role in its region, and Indonesia a bigger role in ASEAN.

Medicine: Smart drugs
Drugs to make you cleverer are in the test-tube. Good.

The earthquake in Sichuan: China helps itself
The government's relief effort is impressive; even more inspiring is what ordinary people are doing to fill the gaps.

Computing: Down on the server farm
The real-world implications of the rise of internet computing.

Global housing markets: Structural cracks
The pain in Spain falls mainly on Mr Drains.

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